For only £75 for the first year, (drops to £65 for renewals!) enjoy a range of great options:
- 6 obedience session vouchers for £72.00
- 6 sport sessions £72.00
- Free use of the dog park, agility area, scurry area, the pond – Sundays only, plus free obedience to music!!!
- For being a loyal member renewals will be just £65! this is providing you renew your membership before it runs out!
Wow what’s not to love!!!
Book your times please with me!
Your Membership will run for a year from your date of joining.
We will send you the offers-of-the month by email.
You will be issued with a membership card and you must show it every time you are paying for anything.
To be a member you must train in any class at Dogwise regularly. If you do not attend classes you will not remain a member.