Gundog / Scurry Classes

Class Times:

  • Tuesday 5pm
  • Wednesday – 6.30pm

Block booking requires £84.00 for 6 weeks.

Also available 1-to-1 sessions @ £30 per hour.


Run mainly at Game Fairs and Country shows, a Scurry is a timed competition aimed at finding the dog that retrieves a dummy or dummies in the fastest time.

Scurries are fun, ‘have-a-go’ events. Anyone can enter. A dog does not even have to be a gundog breed, nor does it have to be kennel club registered.

There are many types of Scurry; you may find as many as four or more different Scurries at any one show. Typical types of Scurries include:  A straight marked (seen) retrieve, often with gunshot.

Two marked (seen) retrieves to be picked in turn. A dummy to be retrieved from a fenced in pen, necessitating the dog to jump in and retrieve it. One or more blind (unseen) retrieves hidden behind a bit of cover (usually a bit of bush) A retrieve over hay bales – dog is required to jump over several hay bales in an alley in order to retrieve a dummy or two. Each dog and handler takes it in turn to compete. The dog must not be sent for the retrieve until asked to by the Judge who is timing the Scurry. Some Scurries make it a requirement that the dog must be off lead at the start, some are quite happy for you to hold onto your dog. Regardless, you may still hold your dog but it just means that for some Scurries you will not be in the running for a place. Be warned though, Scurries do have a reputation for winding dogs up, particularly young dogs. So if you are looking to Trial or run your dog in Working Tests they may not be the best place for a youngster to hang out. Whining and/or unsteadiness are eliminating faults at both Trials and Working Tests. That said Scurries are good fun for you and your dog and can be quite a neat way of testing out your dogs skills. Just let common sense prevail on the day.

Dogwise Training School’s new Novice Gun dog Scurry classes
are open to ALL breeds of dog, not just gun dogs.

This workshop is run in my training area and involves 2 simple retrieves which aim to encourage the novice dog and handler. Dummies and toys will be used to make the retrieves more interesting for you and your dog! (no balls or squeaky toys please!) We now also have a pond at the bottom of the field which we have started using for water retrieves which the dogs love! It is lovely to see them working so why not come along and give it a try!

Two marked (seen) retrieves to be picked in turn. A dummy to be retrieved from a fenced in pen, necessitating the dog to jump in and retrieve it. One or more blind (unseen) retrieves hidden behind a bit of cover (usually a bit of bush) A retrieve over hay bales – dog is required to jump over several hay bales in an alley in order to retrieve a dummy or two. Each dog and handler takes it in turn to compete. The dog must not be sent for the retrieve until asked to by the Judge who is timing the Scurry. Some Scurries make it a requirement that the dog must be off lead at the start, some are quite happy for you to hold onto your dog. Regardless, you may still hold your dog but it just means that for some Scurries you will not be in the running for a place. Be warned though, Scurries do have a reputation for winding dogs up, particularly young dogs. So if you are looking to Trial or run your dog in Working Tests they may not be the best place for a youngster to hang out. Whining and/or unsteadiness are eliminating faults at both Trials and Working Tests. That said Scurries are good fun for you and your dog and can be quite a neat way of testing out your dogs skills. Just let common sense prevail on the day.

Dogwise Training School’s new Novice Gun dog Scurry classes
are open to ALL breeds of dog, not just gun dogs.

These sessions are run in my training area and involves 2 simple retrieves which aim to encourage the novice dog and handler. Dummies and toys will be used to make the retrieves more interesting for you and your dog! (no balls or squeaky toys please!) We now also have a pond at the bottom of the field which we have started using for water retrieves which the dogs love! It is lovely to see them working so why not come along and give it a try!

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